INT. DAY CUT IN: ASYLUM PRISON. A DARK HALLWAY Two men in suits walk down a hallway shoulder to shoulder. The shorter of the two, AGENT ERIC MAX is holding a folder full of papers, and is flipping though them as he walks. The taller guy, AGENT CARL FIG, is looking straight ahead. AGENT MAX Look at this guys file. Are you sure this is a good idea. By the information from his psyche file and criminal history it makes me wonder exactly what criteria makes him eligible for this project. AGENT FIG does not divert his eyes from looking straight ahead. AGENT MAX Our judgment is a minute factor in the selection process. For all intents and purposes you and I are mere messengers. AGENT FIG Your right about that. And you know what... AGENT MAX What? AGENT FIG ...You wont see me complaining about that for one second. AGENT MAX I hear you there buddy. The two gentlemen arrive at a door and enter. INT. DAY WIDE: EVALUATION ROOM The evaluation room looks nice and neat. Its almost like an interrogation room, but less depressing. Normal lighting and a couch behind a table that is in the center of the room. There is a man sitting at the table in an orange prison jump suite. The man is Joe Tanner. His hands are chained behind the chair he sits on and there are two guards on either side of him. AGENT MAX and AGENT FIG take the two available seats in front of Joe Tanner on the side of the table opposite from him. Joe tanner glares at both of them. AGENT MAX Hello Joe, how are you doing JOE TANNER Well that's a stupid question isn't it. AGENT max is visibly troubled by the comment but proceeds with the initial candor. AGENT max puts the file of Joe Tanner on the table. Joe is uneasy. He has had several evaluation sessions in the past, and they have always been conducted by a clinical psychologist and prison administrator, two people that he had gotten to know pretty well during his time in prison. AGENT MAX I'm not going to waste any time Joe. You seem like an intelligent individual and I can tell that you may be a bit put off guard by today's interruption of your regular evaluation. JOE TANNER Put off guard... You obviously don't know me very well. agent max opens Joe tanner's file and begins to read from the first page. AGENT MAX "Joe Tanner, Age 37, height 5'11, weight, 170 lbs, I.Q., 160, first criminal offense at age 13 where you were sentenced to 6 months in juvenile hall for assault with a deadly weapon on a seven eleven clerk, and grand theft auto, since then you have been tried for just about every crime and convicted for all accept murder, you greatest legacy is the prostitution empire you were illegally orchestrating that had clients across the country which would still be thriving under you direction had you not have been betrayed by your closest companion Zoe Katz by disclosing incriminating documentation, and audio recording to the authorities indicating you as the solely responsible... That must have hurt. Especially knowing that she was equally as responsible as you. Well, I guess it would have pleased you to find out that whatever deal she made with the authorities to convict you fell through when she was indicted for on similar charges a few weeks after your sentence was announced. So you see Joe. I do know something about you. JOE TANNER So it seems. And I know nothing about you. AGENT MAX Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Agent Max, and this is my partner Agent Fig. We are part of a agency that recruits individuals to participate in highly classified, low profile projects. We have made arrangements with the country to pardon you of your federal offenses if you would agree to participate in a research program that is being conducted on the behalf of the nation. JOE TANNER For someone who claims to know a lot about me you seem to have skipped the part of my file which said that I never returned to school after being released from juvi. And now our nation wants me to partake in classified research. agent max pauses for a second looks at agent fig, he nods then he looks at Joe tanner AGENT MAX How are you feeling Joe? Joe does not respond, but seems cautious. AGENT MAX Guards, can you please release his chains the guards do not question the agent and release the chains. AGENT MAX Now leave. the guards leave the room. AGENT MAX Joe, it is possible to participate in research without conducting research. They pause for a moment, and Joe process these words. JOE TANNER So your saying that you want me to be a Guinea pig. AGENT MAX allow us to explain the details of of the experiment, fig. this is agents fig cue to describe a more indepth information about the details of the research project. AGENT FIG For two years advanced science has been discovering breakthroughs that have been extensively tested in controlled laboratory environments. A new branch of research has been created that focuses on studying human interaction with well studied phenomenon, it is called non controlled integrative research, N.I.R. for short. A remote location has been chosen and a list of individuals has been created to get going on this project as soon as possible. agent max opens Joe Tanner's folder to another page. It is a list of all the members chosen to participate in the research project and slides it over to Joe. AGENT FIG as you can see, you all have something in common Joe. You're all serving time for serious crimes. Some of these guys make your profile look actually kind of petty. War criminals, ex-assassins, murderers, the list goes on. Joe Tanner catches a glimpse of Moses Wright's, Lisa King's, and Rhonda Evans' profiles JOE TANNER why should i help you guys out. Whats the catch AGENT MAX Joe, there is no catch. We're offering to get you out of prison if you would just cooperate with us, and help your country out. The biggest winner here is you. Check that list one more time, I think you may have overlooked a little incentive to cooperate. Joe picks up the folder one more time and reviews the other candidates profiles, he passes, Adam Georges', and Cody Eps' till he gets to Zoe Katzs'. He looks up at the Agents. JOE TANNER Where Do I sign up. EXT. AFTERNOON. VERY WIDE: VAST DESERT two blackhawk helicopters swoop into view EXT. AFTERNOON. MEDIUM: HELICOPTER 1 inside the first helicopter cabin are Joe tanner and agent max. their target gets closer an closer it is a large trailer park with several trailers. Joe Tanner see's some guys hanging out awaiting the choppers arrival. agent fig notices that Joe is tense. INT. AFTERNOON. CLOSE UP: HELICOPTER 1 AGENT MAX remember our agreement. In order for you to stay here you must cooperate with your fellow residents. You all will be monitored via satellite, so don't think that any violent or other misconduct against one another will go unnoticed. I know you have issues with Zoe but I think you should know that initially she was one of last contacts, and we hadn't even considered you. It was her who insisted that for her to cooperate, we would have to enlist you as well, so I'd say you and her are about even. the chopper begins to descend into the center the trailer ranch, and the two drop down. Joe looks around and from what he can remember from the list, he is the last one to arrive. EXT. AFTERNOON. WIDE: DROP ZONE, CENTER OF THE RANCH Agent fig, accompanied by several armed soldiers who arrived in a separate chopper along with agent max assemble beside the chopper whose rotors are now off. AGENT MAX May I have all of your attention please? Can everyone please gather around so we can get this show on this road? EXT. AFTERNOON. MEDIUM: DROP ZONE, CENTER OF RANCH At this point all nine of the candidates who were on the list begin to gather around. Around them a circle of guards form. AGENT MAX Welcome all of you to "project Ranch Paradise". In you agreement to cooperate with the terms of this project you have earned residency here. This is neutral territory. There is no official authority here. You may live here as you please completely free of all laws. We will provide you with all the basic life sustaining accessories that you need, and/or request within limits of course. Joe tanner feels a tap on his back and turns around. It is Zoe Katz and she embraces him forcefully ZOE KATZ Oh, Joe. I'm so sorry about the past. I had no choice Joe. They were on to you anyway, it was just a matter of time, I had to think about myself. But I've changed Joe. I've really changed, and I can prove it. AGENT FIG (clears his throat) Ahem... this gets Joe and Zoe's attention and the others are starring at them. A small orange cat brushes up against Joe tanners leg and agent fig notices. JOE TANNER I didn't know we were allowed to have animals here AGENT FIG your not. JOE TANNER hey, well it's not mine so relax agent fig orders one of the soldiers to grab it. He lunges but the cat takes off. the soldier runs after it. when it becomes clear the he has regained their attention agent fig nods towards agent max to continue. EXT. AFTERNOON. CLOSE UP: AGENT MAX AGENT MAX thank you. EXT. AFTERNOON. WIDE: DROP ZONE AGENT MAX I will leave the ice breaking procedures up to you. you have been selected for this project because due to its high risk nature, it is nearly impossible to recruit intelligent, motivated free citizens. your profiles match the type of individuals that our research team believes will yield results on the type of data they are after. testing will commence immediately. EXT. AFTERNOON. VERY WIDE: DROP ZONE silence dominates the the trailer park. no one says a word. EXT. AFTERNOON. WIDE: DROP ZONE the nine candidates look around and the soldiers seem anxious. EXT. AFTERNOON. MEDIUM: AGENT MAX agent fig looks serious and expressionless. AGENT MAX follow me. Zoe Katz pulls Joe tanner in between two trailers out of view of the others. she gets close to him and starts pleading for forgiveness. Joe picks her up by the neck and tosses her into a garbage can. JOE TANNER you know, i was really mad and only thought of how i could hurt you. Hurt you as bad as you hurt me. now, i realize that your just a sad pathetic lost little girl, and i really just feel sorry for you. just don't expect me to forgive you anytime soon. the soldiers begin to notice Joe tanner and Zoe Katz absence and round them up to return to the group. SOLDIER 2 what has happened here? ZOE KATZ i tripped and fell SOLDIER 2 (to joe tanner) is that true? JOE TANNER you heard the lady didn't you. EXT. AFTERNOON. WIDE: CEDRIC GREY'S TRAILER agent fig moves to what would most logically be describes as the entrance to the park, where Cedric Grey's trailer is located. AGENT MAX This first trailer is going to remain vacant. The person who was suppose to reside here was stabbed to death in prison last night before the scheduled transport here. Moving on. each individual is introduced to their trailer and their cars which they requested. Each house has state of the art appliances, and an underground extension which expands the size of each trailer to a miniature mansion. The trailer itself merely functioning as a convincing decoy. Each individual posses their own weaponry to use at their discretion. during the tour Joe tanner begins to feel bad about the way that he treated Zoe katz. After all, it was her input that allowed Joe to have this opportunity in the first place. when they get to Zoe Katz trailer it is discovered that she has to share it with Joe Tanner. They are posing as a couple in project ranch paradise. they each have their own separate underground expansions though. AGENT MAX (VOICE OVER) Each armory is packed with state of the art machinery and I advise that you read the instructions very carefully on how to properly operate all weapons tonight, because training begins tomorrow for those of you that have just arrived today. JOE TANNER training... You never mentioned any training. If I wanted to join the army I would have a long time ago. what type of crap are you trying to pull. AGENT MAX Nobody is forced to come to training. If we wanted soldiers here we could have supplied that without your assistance. The training is for your own benefit, and only for those who are interested. Practical training to familiarize with all the assets you have here. If you have any questions ask of those who have been here already. Joe tanner appears as if he wants to approach agent fig, the soldiers point their guns at him and he stops dead in his tracks. JOE TANNER just what in the hell kind of bullshit have you gotten me into here. EXT. EVENING VERY WIDE SHOT: THE SKY a large combusting mass explodes across the night sky and blows up on the ground a few miles from the trailer ranch. AGENT MAX well, that's my cue. I told you testing would begin immediately. AGENT FIG (to the soldier sent to retrieve the orange cat) did you get that cat. SOLDIER 1 no it slipped through my fingers AGENT FIG well i guess they've made a new friend. Agent max and his crew retreat to the helicopters and ascend leaving nine individuals an the ground; Joe tanner, Zoe Katz, Lisa King, Moses Wright, Edmund Frazier, Cody Eps, Adam George, Vanessa Holmes, and Rhonda Evans. They look towards the horizon and see the smoldering rubble of the crash site. For a moment they all just stand there. RHONDA EVANS shouldn't somebody go check that out? ADAM GEORGE why? EDMUND FRAZIER I'm out Edmund Frazier heads over to his mobile home. It happens to be the furthest one out which makes is closest to the crash site. He gains some distance from the others, who seem to be dissipating but he notices some very large insect like creatures heading his way at fast speeds. They are large Strange looking Arachnid like alien beasts with large red medallions embedded in their forehead, and large sharp extremities with spikes on their underside EDMUND FRAZIER what the hell? as they approach it becomes clear to Zoe katz that training has truly begun. She rushes to her trailer and dissapears inside the door. Joe follows her and initiates the sequence to enter his dorm. He gets inside and heads for the armory, he selects an AK 47 and a shotgun. By the time he gets out, he spots that everybody has either already returned with a weapon or has gone inside their dorm to get one. Zoe emerges with a bazooka. Joe finds it hard to believe that Zoe can handle a bazooka. JOE TANNER Isn't that over kill ZOE KATZ we'll see. JOE TANNER Do you even know how to use one of those things. ZOE KATZ You know I think your only asking because you know that you don't. Everybody has returned with a weapon. The video feed on the monitor in the viewing laboratory show that the participants have elected to engage the enemy, vital signs on each member are being recorded on smaller monitors surrounding the main feed. agent fig is talking to a scientist who is at his station keeping track of the monitors. AGENT FIG so, what are they up against Dr. DR. CUE we're actually not sure AGENT FIG excuse me DR. CUE well, we reflected a high frequency electromagnetic signal off of the ground a few miles from the ranch. we have had previous confirmations that the patterns similar to it have been projected, received and retransmitted, by an intelligent source. The pattern that we have transmitted we presume to be a hailing frequency. AGENT FIG a hailing frequency for what Dr. cue DR. CUE i think we're all about to find out. agent fig averts his eyes from the very exited looking doctor, after staring for a little while, to examine the monitors. which reveal the giant beast that have emerged from the crash site. The vessels does not seem to severely damaged. The ranch paradise residents are armed to the teeth and are ready to earn their freedom. All hell breaks loose and in a crazy battle the ranch paradise residents emerge victorious and the creatures rush back to the vessel and take off. One of the creatures dies and an orange cat is seen licking it's blood. Once the endeavor is over, the choppers return, and a clean up crew retrieves the dead carcass and cleans up the mess. EXT. NIGHT WIDE: RANCH PARADISE Moments later an a human sized orange feline emerges from behind some bushes and began talking to the members of Ranch Paradise. A man in a vw van roles up on ranch paradise and tries to post fliers of his missing cat. This man is Cedric Grey and recognizes his cat Fitz who is now a human sized mutant. He is allowed to stay in ranch paradise in the vacant trailer with his cat friend.